

Price: $ 3,333

Best suitable for personal use at home / garden.

* We make personalized design to accommodate Icosa X unit to the size of your room.

In the beginning ( 2013 ) of our adventure with Icosahedrons we had them built from equilateral triangles. The whole structure was lying down on its "side". And we were fascinated by its shape and the energy vortex that it was creating inside and outside of it. Some of the people could feel its energy even at the distance of 40 km and those who were inside of it had incredible multi-dimensional experiences. You may read the testimonials HERE.

We continued our experiments with it and we realized that aligning the apexes of the Icosahedron vertically strengthens the energy field. And from this point we try to have all our Icosahedrons in this position.

We realize that not everybody can afford Icosa X Model and then most of the people live in apartments/houses with the ceiling height of 2.4-2.6 meters. Thus we have designed this medium size Icosahedron which allows to stand or sit comfortably inside of it and meditate or relax and "recharge batteries".

We recommend to start using it only for 10-15 min in the 1st week and later gradually extend the time. Please avoid using the unit in highly altered and disharmonious states of mind ( e.g. anger, stress etc ) or under influence of drugs, alcohol, strong medicine etc.

Common sense and logic never fail.