Price: $ 650
shipping and tax not included

Mini-Icosa unit is suitable for personal use e.g. meditation, balancing of energies in small room, energizing food, water etc.

* We make personalized size of Mini-Icosa.

This particular unit is designed especially for those who do not have a lot of free space in their homes. It can be easily mounted and dismounted by removing the tubes from the wooden corners and put aside in the small box or storage room. At the same time you may easily take it with you in your suitcase when traveling.

Another advantage of this model is that you may use longer copper tubes and then you'll have a big size icosahedron unit so that you may meditate inside.

By removing one of the corners and couple of tubes you will also be able to place your head inside and meditate.

When ordering let us know the size of tubes you would like to have for your icosahedron. Of course we will have to adjust the price according to the cost of the material and shipping.